Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 9 EOC : For those who think young

The obsession with being young has been around for as long as I can remember. Some people feel like the need to feel and look young is just a fad. It hasn’t gone away yet has it? No, I didn’t think so. Our culture is obsessed with staying younger because it gives them the feeling of being more energetic and clear-minded. Given, some people go to the extreme for a youthful look, i.e. Mickey Rourke and Charo. According to an article in CBS News, “It is a common sentiment in a society where many of us strive to look and feel decades younger - to prove to ourselves and the world that we are healthier and more vital than our parents were at our age. We've all heard it: 60 is the new 50, the new 40 and so on.”
They did an interview on Dr. Jeffry Life, the old guy who is 69 with a 30 year old body, who is based here in Las Vegas. He was introduced to the Cenegenics Medical Institute, a Las Vegas-based clinic that specializes in "age management," a growing field in a society obsessed with staying young. Before he began the workout regimen, he was frustrated with his body. Once he began the workout he said not only did his body change but so did his life. This is typical amongst the baby boomers. They are on the verge of retirement and are ready to do something for themselves. Their whole life has been based around hard work, which could take a toll on one’s body.
If I am unhappy with the way I look, of course I would do what I can to stay young. It doesn’t necessarily have to be extreme face lifts, ass tucks, and brow lifts but it could be something that would just make me happy. Most people would like to feel forever young because it’s all about nostalgia. It’s all about letting the good times roll.

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