Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 11 Final Evaluation

For this class, Fundamentals of Advertising, as of the final week I know that I deserve an A. I have kept up with all of my tweets, blog posts, eocs, etc. My class expectations were no different from any of the other classes that I have had with you previously. I know what your expectations are from us, which is basically being responsible for ourselves, and that I am. This class is going to give me a better insight about advertising and what it is I need to know about it. It actually ties hand in hand with my media planning and buying class that I am taking right now because I have to create a new ad campaign. Learning the different and innovative mediums from this class is going to be extremely beneficial for my future career, no matter what industry that it may be in. Surprisingly enough, I did learn something about advertising. Given, during the readings I wasn’t necessarily paying attention, but I would re-read what it is we talked about and learned the importance of each chapter. Researching what it is that your customers want is crucial to having a successful advertising campaign. Research is not only vital to a successful advertising campaign, but so is asking, “What’s in it for me?” Like you said earlier in the weeks during class, the customers don’t care about what you want, with them it is all about them. Me, me, me, me. That is what their focus is on and that is what our focus should be on as well. So like I previously said I not only think that I should deserve an A, but I know that I deserve an A. I’m going to miss having you as a teacher seeing as next quarter is my final quarter and I will keep all of the out of class context knowledge you have given me, and I will again tell you, “Mr. Pinto, I know I deserve an A.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

EOC: Week 10: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

There will be different channels of advertising that I am going to do in order for my product to get noticed. One of the main forms of advertising that I am going to utilize is magazine advertisements. It will be one of the most effective ways for my product to get noticed. My target market is going to be reading the latest trends in magazines and they will see the EOS advertisement right there next to it.
Another form of advertisement that I will be using is through website banners.  The advertisement will either be a header or on the side and it will show the model with the lip balm and the smirk on her face just like in the print advertisement. It will say EOS on the bottom, but it won’t say what exactly it is. I want the advertisement to be alluring to the customer and want to draw them in.
Commercials could be a possible way for me to reach my target market. It hasn’t been done yet with the product, so it will have to be something creative and fresh to the consumer but also for the company as well.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 9 EOC : For those who think young

The obsession with being young has been around for as long as I can remember. Some people feel like the need to feel and look young is just a fad. It hasn’t gone away yet has it? No, I didn’t think so. Our culture is obsessed with staying younger because it gives them the feeling of being more energetic and clear-minded. Given, some people go to the extreme for a youthful look, i.e. Mickey Rourke and Charo. According to an article in CBS News, “It is a common sentiment in a society where many of us strive to look and feel decades younger - to prove to ourselves and the world that we are healthier and more vital than our parents were at our age. We've all heard it: 60 is the new 50, the new 40 and so on.”
They did an interview on Dr. Jeffry Life, the old guy who is 69 with a 30 year old body, who is based here in Las Vegas. He was introduced to the Cenegenics Medical Institute, a Las Vegas-based clinic that specializes in "age management," a growing field in a society obsessed with staying young. Before he began the workout regimen, he was frustrated with his body. Once he began the workout he said not only did his body change but so did his life. This is typical amongst the baby boomers. They are on the verge of retirement and are ready to do something for themselves. Their whole life has been based around hard work, which could take a toll on one’s body.
If I am unhappy with the way I look, of course I would do what I can to stay young. It doesn’t necessarily have to be extreme face lifts, ass tucks, and brow lifts but it could be something that would just make me happy. Most people would like to feel forever young because it’s all about nostalgia. It’s all about letting the good times roll.

BOC Week 9 - Frank O'Hara

Frank O’Hara was a key member of the New York School of poetry. He was also an American writer and art critic. His poetry is autobiographical and is based on observations on what was happening to him in the moment. It also shows the influence of the abstract expressionism, surrealism, Russian poetry and poets that were associated with the French Symbolism. 
I think the poem is relevant to Donald Draper going through an evolutionary period in his life. He is changing the image that has become of him and the poem is in reference to that. Donald Draper was going through dark times in his life after his divorce and began his old lifestyle again. I guess in a way this poem could be relevant to anyone at any given time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a middle aged man or a college student about to graduate; there is constant change in everyone’s lives. There are those dark days that everyone goes through and once you start to go through that evolutionary period, you then realize that you are becoming you again. “It may be the coldest day of the year, what does he think of that? I mean, what do I? And if I do, perhaps I am myself again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 8 - Fonts and Slogans

Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.
Your lips are amazing.

Analysis of Project in the Real World

With the Evolution of Smooth, they haven’t had a lot of advertising. It is kind of frustrating because they are such a great company and offer great products, but they don’t have a competitive advantage when it comes to advertising. I think with an ad campaign like with this project they could benefit from it because then it will step them out above their competitors. They should just do a provocative advertisement, something along the lines of what I did, and saturate the market with it. EOS is one of those brands that you only know about through word of mouth, or picking up at Ulta and experiencing for yourself.

There are a lot of brands out there that are on top of their game because of the types of advertisements that they do. Even brands that you would never expect have a risque ad. Take Sketchers for example, they have the Kim Kardashian commercial that is provocative none the less, and it got their name out there. Before when you thought of Sketchers, you didn't think high profile celebrity. Now, you associate them with Kim Kardashian and her Shape-ups. EOS just needs to partner with a celebrity like her, and then their name will be out there on the market.

“Not only do you need to think critically about formulating a core campaign idea, you must think critically and creatively about communicating something specific about the brand or group, not a generic message or pedestrian design.” Advertising by Design; Landa, pg. 204.
“An advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads, based on an overarching strategy and closely related ideas and connected by look and feel, voice, tone, style, imagery, and tagline.” Advertising by Design pg.188
“By focusing on the attributes of an object, person, place, character, topic or theme, product, or service, you can find a characteristic that might lead to an idea.” Advertising by Design; pg.38
“It can be useful to first break the object down into constituent parts and examine the attributes of each part.” Advertising by Design; pg. 38

Creative Content

If I were to do a commercial, the first scene that you would see is the woman waking up in this dry basin next to her male companion.  She then sits up, and he says, “Your lips are amazing.” Then the woman turns to the camera and has a smile on her face as she is holding her EOS lip balm. It is unique because despite being in strenuous heat, the male model and the female model had an amazing time due to the moisture of her lips. Their skin is dry and cracked from the lack of moisture, but the woman has soft and smooth lips from her EOS lip balm. Even while being in the dry heat the woman is still having fun with her male companion and feels beautiful with her incredibly smooth lips. 

“People who think creatively recognize commonalities, visualize metaphorically, modify and elaborate imaginatively, and envision the unlikely.” Advertising by Design pg. 32
“Meaning depends on context; by changing the context, you can imagine a different meaning.” Advertising by Design pg. 35
“You can use reversal to reframe a problem to stimulate ideas or to see it from a different viewpoint, or reversal may help you to see different ways to define the problem.” Advertising by Design pg. 36
“Conventionally, a storyboard is used to plot out the key scenes intended to be filmed for a motion picture, television program, animation, or commercial.” Advertising by Design pg. 41


Magazine Print Ad

The Big Idea

The overall idea of the campaign is to get the customers to see that Eos will make your lips incredibly smooth. It doesn’t just have to work for the lip balm; it could work for the hand lotion and shave cream as well. The first page of the Eos website states everything that sets them apart from the competition.
“We know how you feel. We want lip balm whose feel and packaging makes us smile, shaving cream that leaves our legs smooth and moisturized, and natural body lotion that makes our skin oh-so-touchable.
You're going to want to feel the difference.
Try eos and you'll know what we mean.”

The statement represents everything they are about and what it is that they are aiming for when it comes to advertising their products. The packaging of their products is unique in its own. When I bought my first EOS lip balm, everyone was wondering why I was rubbing an egg on my lips. When I explained that it wasn’t an egg but lip balm, they were automatically intrigued. The uniqueness of the packaging is a conversation starter all on its own. 

“A thoughtful, clear brief can foster focused, critical thinking and lead to creative concept formulation.” Advertising by Design pg. 17
“Asking a client to review and sign off on what has been discussed and determined can help avoid misunderstandings down the road.” Advertising by Design pg. 18
“Best practice dictates that you use traditional image-making techniques-sketch by hand using a drawing tool such as a pencil, marker, or pen, rather than using digital media.” Advertising by Design pg. 20
“The purpose of this stage is to flesh out a few of your best ideas-to explore each design concept and how it can best be expressed through the creation, selection, and manipulation of type and visuals in a composition.” Advertising by Design pg. 21