The tobacco advertisement that I found was a vintage ad for Philip Morris cigarettes. Just by looking at the picture you can already tell that it is being aimed towards the young and the beautiful. Which is exactly what they also mention in the caption right underneath. “Follow Young Americas Lead.” The settings and conditions are the details they give you about the delicate flavor. Then it mentions that those are the reasons why they have “so many friends among younger smokers- with their fresher, unspoiled tastes.” The people are the young, trendy people who smoke to look good. The point of view around this experience is that since the younger generations of this time are so hip, the rest of America needs to follow in their footsteps. The goal is to get the rest of America to smoke Philip Morris cigarettes. They are assuming that everyone wants to feel and look young again, so they have the perception that with this advertisement everyone is going to go out and buy these cigarettes. The conflicts are that smoking doesn’t make you feel or look any younger or cooler. The outcomes are that the company hasn’t faltered at all with the advertisements because they are still a large corporation to this day.
I will admit that this particular advertisement is gorgeous. It has great color and the caption underneath is pretty catchy. It feels like they are trying to sell you more than just their cigarettes. They are trying to sell you an entirely new lifestyle. It’s like they are saying, “BUY OUR CIGARETTES AND YOU TOO COULD BE YOUNG AND FABULOUS LIKE THIS WOMAN HERE.” If I was alive in this time and I didn’t smoke, this advertisement would probably convince me that I should probably start. The rest of the advertisements that they put out at this time are equally beautiful, so with their consistency of their ads were probably a huge factor in their success.
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